a happy


Have you been wanting to make money from home while also helping others?

We are so excited for you to take a look at our amazing affiliate link opportunity + community called LIVE happy

Love | Inspire | Value | Empower

This product line, affiliate opportunity, and community has drastically changed my life in the past year!

The Purpose

Did you know that 1 in 4 people struggle with mental wellness. When you partner with us, you are partnering with the first mental wellness company offering holistic products and solutions that target the gut-brain axis to optimize mental health (even a kids line)! Be a part of a purpose that helps others. The company Is Amare Global.

Ready to help others?

Meet Happy Juice!

Happy Juice Is a delicious all-natural mental wellness drink that clinically works through the "on switch" In the Gut-Brain axis to address sadness, anxiousness, mental flow, mood, increase dopamine, serotonin, and more. This is where most people start, and personally - it's my hero product

The Timing

We are exploding in growth. You aren't late, you are right on time with your YES today! The market is demanding natural solutions to mental wellness!

Our LIVE happy team is duplicating people making $500 to over $10,000 monthly every single month with our systems and support! Yes, it takes work, but we are ready to work alongside you!

How do you make money?

When you have the right product + the best commission structure - anything is possible!

let me show you how


Share your Link

You have your own unique affiliate link anytime you share about your favorite products! Your customers get $10 off when they use your link to purchase!


Earn $500

Unlock a monthly bonus of $500+ when 5 people order with your link!


Earn up to 38%

Amare pays higher, up to 38% on your affiliate link! Industry average Is 20%. If you want to create an extra stream of Income fast, this Is the link to have!

Other Perks

Get Paid 5x Per Month!

Green Check

Get Paid When Customers Share +Reorder

Green Check

Have The Option To Build a Team

Green Check

Win Trips, Prizes, + Cash Bonuses

Green Check

Earn Free Products

Green Check

The Mentorship

When you join the

LIVE happy Community

you get access to our private chats, trainings, giveaways, fun community, and everything you need to learn, share, earn Income, graphics, support, etc.

You will feel home here!

Get Started


You can get started right away by purchasing your affiliate link! This link Is good for the next 12 months. There are no monthly sales requirements.. The only requirement for commissions Is to have 100pv from either your own order or a customer's order.

affiliate link only


Everything You Need to Build a Business in ONE PACK + Special Bonuses!

7 Full Size Products

$35 off Affiliate Link

15% SSR Earning Rate

40 SSR Points

25 Trip Points

Happy juice biz Starter pack


Want to just try our famous Happy Juice first as a customer?

Click here for $10 off, 10% off, and a free gift! You can always upgrade to affiliate later.

My favorite flavors are Watermelon and Dragon Fruit

happy juice customer only


Don't worry! We have a 90 day money back guarentee on all purchases!


Welcome home to the community you've been looking for.

It's time to say yes to



xo, Melissa Sawyer